
The following links in this page cover a wide variety of interpretations of this research. Some gave me the opportunity to speak directly with them, and as such I was given a remarkable opportunity to discuss and communicate my work and intentions in more detail. That being said. There were many others that were not so inviting. I include here all the articles I am aware of, (including those that misquote, confuse my gender, my qualifications and in some cases, how many there are of me!). After consideration I felt that to select only flattering articles would not only be brazenly narcissistic, but it would make the conversations that have since arisen around this fascinating community redundant. Which, fundamentally, is the antithesis of anthropology.

To be clear.

I am a self funded PhD student at University College London, and this project focuses on heavy metal performance from an anthropological perspective. I am a lifelong metalhead, but have been studying the community as a researcher for eight years. There is only one of me.

Do feel free to contact me through this site if you want to be involved in the project.


BBC Radio 4: PM Jonny Dymond interview with Lindsay Bishop

BBC Radio 5 Live: Chloe Tilley interview with Lindsay Bishop and Johnny Doom

Breaking Absolutes Ep. 12: Metal Culture with Lindsay Bishop

BBC Cymru Radio: Good Morning Wales - Mosh Pits & Anthropology

